Hate to Tell You: Your Content Isn’t Reaching Your Audience

Your content is created. You post it. It reaches a fraction of the people who *say* they want to see your stuff. What’s up with that? When Facebook switched to an algorithm model instead of a chronological timeline, we all threw up our hands. “I want to see everything!”

But Facebook knows best 🙄 and wants to show your content only to people who regularly engage with it whether on their main platform or on Instagram & Instagram Stories. So how is that impacting your business?

On Facebook, at worst, I’m seeing reach around 4% of the total audience (that’s right; you have 1,000 followers, 40 of them see the content). At best, it’s hovering around 10% of the audience. In fact, when running an audit the other day for a client, my jaw was on the floor when I saw their posts were regularly reaching 35% of the audience.

On Instagram, it’s quite a bit better. You’re looking at reaching 50-65% of your audience through feed posts, 20-30% of your audience through Stories.

It all comes down to this: Facebook lets you cheat the system they’ve created by… giving them money. Yep, line Facebook’s pockets, and you’ll reach the audience that has already signaled they want to see your stuff. So that’s where what you do and what I do meet. Spending as little as $15-20 to get a post in front of your Facebook page fans or Instagram engagers can help you reengage the audience that already wants to see your stuff (so they’ll see your organic things in the future) and helps keep you top of mind with those same groups.


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Still Paying for Page Likes? Please Stop.