Search? Display? What Does It All Mean?

There are so. many. ways to advertise, and it’s no surprise it can feel like a glossary is necessary when you’re trying to determine which advertising tools are right for your business. So let’s break it down and make it easier on all of us.

Search - What is it?

“Search” is a pretty perfect name for what’s happening here. Search ads are those that pop up after someone has searched for a keyword or keyword theme you’re bidding on. You are a landscape designer. You buy the keyword themes around landscape design, and your ad is served to those who are searching for landscape design, but also things like front yard landscaping or lawn services near me. Your bid is going against others who are bidding for keywords which is reflected in how much you pay for those ads.

Display - What is it?

Display ads are those you see when you’re literally anywhere on the internet. They’re graphics, photos, images of some kind. And they are ads that are served to an audience rather than as the result of that audience’s action. Take our example above. Your display ads aren’t just showing up on websites that talk about landscape design or gardening. Nope! Those ads start showing up on that cooking blog your potential audience likes. That sports site where they check scores. That beauty blog where they get their newest hairstyle inspiration. You can also use display ads to retarget people who have visited a specific site or product.

So when do you use Search? And when do you use display?

Ideally, you use them in tandem. While you’re building that slow drip of brand awareness around who you are and what you do to your ideal audience, you’re also serving ads to those who go looking for your services. To take it back to a previous post, the display is for awareness (and conversions if you’re retargeting) and the search is for consideration and conversions as you’re reaching people who are actively looking for the problem you solve.

Want to learn more? I offer personalized training for advertising and would be happy to chat more!


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